We are not accepting lures for repainting service at this time.

If you call first and we make an exception:
When sending lures for repainting be sure to mark packages so there are no brokerage and tax charges:

“returning for warranty repair – this is not a sale – lures will be returned”

It’s not really a warranty we know, but if you declare a value on the package and don’t indicate warranty, customs charges us taxes and brokerage to accept the package as if we are purchasing the lures from you, which of course we are not – we’ll be sending them back.

We can refurbish your old lures, so send us your old….send us your weary…… prices are posted towards the bottom of this page.

Things to keep in mind: Scratches and teeth marks will show through to the new pattern. We may need to remove hooks and other hardware – we’ll leave them in place if we can. Any hardware that is left on the lures (like rings on spoons) will get paint on them unless you protect them with tape before sending them in. We can only turn old lures into glow patterns (600 series) by using glow paint (unless the body you’re sending in glows), so the result will not be the same as a new 600 series glow that has a glow body. There is an extra charge for adding glow to plugs – prices below. We put many coats of paint on wood plugs to help seal them against water-log and help smooth any teeth marks. Please let us know if you’d prefer just a few coats (some fishermen are concerned about extra weight of more paint). If the old pattern has a scale pattern on it, the texture of the old scale pattern will likely show through (unless you have sanded the old body down beforehand). We do a light sand, but often not all the way through the scale pattern. When you send lures to us be sure to mark clearly on the box in large letters “return for warranty repainting – not a sale” – otherwise we may be charged tax and brokerage to release them from the Post Office which we’ll charge back to you. We do know that many lures are precious and handle them with utmost care and respect here in the workshop. We are however not responsible for your lures in any way and will not replace them or pay you for them if they are damaged or lost (in transit or otherwise). We will ship them back to you via Canada Post (and bill the cost to you), unless you specify you would prefer another method. Please let us know if you would like us to insure the package when shipped and what value you place on your lures (we assume no insurance unless requested). Custom color charge (applies to color matches that are not Tomics, and instructions for new colors – does not apply to small changes to a standard Tomic pattern such as adding a pink stripe, or deleting a red splash).  The custom color charge applies to new Tomic lures as well as repaints.

Charge for Custom colors:

1 lure only of a new color $20 custom color charge
2 lures of the new color $16
3 lure of the new color $12
4 lure of the new color  $8
5 lure of the new color $4
6 lures or more free custom color


Repainting any plug with glow paint (Tomic plugs start with glow body so do not require this troublesome step):

Glow paint on plugs 5” to 7”    = $2.50
Glow paint on plugs under 5” = $2
Glow paint on spoons             = no extra charge


Repaint lures:   Less than 3 per particular color:  25+   10+    0-9
3 to 5” Tomic 8.00   8.75   9.65
6 & 7” Tomic 9.00   9.90 10.85
Other plugs 5” and under 8.50   9.35 10.25
Other plugs over 5”, under 8” 9.50 10.45 11.50
Tomic spoons 3.5″ or less (one side only) 7.45   8.20   9.00
Tomic spoons 5 & 6″ (paint one side only) 8.25   9.00 10.00
other spoons  (paint one side only) 8.50   9.35 10.25

                                         Painting spoon back $2 – $3 ea   

Repaint lures:   3 to 5 lures per particular color:    25+ 10+  0-9
3 to 5” Tomic 7.20 7.90   8.70
6 & 7” Tomic 8.10 8.90   9.80
Other plugs 5” and under 7.65 8.40   9.25
Other plugs over 5”, under 8” 8.55 9.40 10.35
Tomic spoons 3.5″ or less (one side only) 6.70 7.35   8.10
Tomic spoons 5 & 6″ (paint one side only) 7.45 8.20   9.00
other spoons  (paint one side only) 7.65 8.40   9.25


Repaint lures:   6 or more per particular color: 25+   10+  0-9
3 to 5” Tomic 6.40 7.05 7.70
6 & 7” Tomic 7.20 7.90 8.70
Other plugs 5” and under 6.80 7.50 8.15
Other plugs over 5”, under 8” 7.60 8.35 9.00
Tomic spoons 3.5″ or less (one side only) 5.95 6.55 7.20
Tomic spoons 5 & 6″ (paint one side only) 6.60 7.25 8.00
other spoons  (paint one side only)side only) 6.80 7.50 8.25