Welded rings are an option on all plugs but Wee Tads for a small extra charge. The ring is made from nickle/silver wire and the rod is silver braising wire.
Commercial trollers often use a nose ring at the front of the plug, to make changing lures quick and easy using a snap. Most often for sport fishing the leader is tied directly to the tow bar.
If your plug has a ring and you’d like to tie directly to the tow bar, the ring can dangle below your line so you can tie directly to the tow bar even if there is a ring in place. Some fishermen say the dangling ring in this case makes a little attractive noise. You can also cut the ring off with wire cutters easily.
Tying directly to the tow bar will give the plug more action. Commercial trollers tend to fish much faster than sports fishermen, so the plug still has plenty of action, even with the ring at higher speeds. So, for sports fishermen using the ring, keep in mind it’s best to troll fast.
One little quirky trick we’ve heard of if you’re using a welded ring, is to orient the bump of the weld towards the tow bar. When the bump of the ring is at the tow bar, as in this picture, the theory is that the tow bar will slide over that bump once in a while giving it a little extra irresistible kick. We’re always anxious for your feedback on this trick or others, and would enjoy hearing from you about your experience with rings or any other tips you might like to share.