The most popular colors for salmon on plugs:
94 109 156 158 203 500 500uvbii 530 530g 545 546 600 602 602uvbii 603 632 639 645 700 727.
94 109 156 158 203 500 500uvbii 530 530g 545 546 600 602 602uvbii 603 632 639 645 700 727.
The most popular colors for salmon on spoons:
116 203 500 512 513 513ac 530 545 546 577 602 632 639 645 700 727 775 900.
The most popular colors for trout on plugs or spoons:
94 140 168 203 231 243 246 321 351 358 530 543 602 619 622 712 800 801 900
The most popular colors for kokanee (primary on Wee Tads):
001 158 238 244 246 270 270r 285 321 340 368 394 403 404 511 530g 543 622 745 755 900
The most popular colors for Stripers on the East Coast:
118 203 280 394 404fe 745 749
The most popular for bass:
115 203 231 248 280 394 403 404fe 712 745 749
The most popular for pike:
243 246 248 321 746
Mouse over the thumbnail to show the color number, and click to enlarge photos: